Holy Jumping January

exploding text bubble saying, "Ka Pow"
Another photo of author in a library

Written by Willamette Sutta

Willamette Sutta is the pen name of a former librarian who now creates books instead of curating them.

February 11, 2025

Not to sound like the exclamation-prone Boy Wonder (for those of you who remember the old, original Batman series), but the last month was a wild ride. And I don’t just mean the news cycle. My personal life had its own thrills and gut punches, chasing hard on each other’s heels.

Seven Highlights

  • I had an opportunity to talk to Robin Sullivan, the wife of my favorite living author (You might guess who that is or drop me a note to find out). She was a wealth of knowledge and wonderfully gracious, giving me valuable insights in writing and marketing. In her honor, I will mention no other ‘Robin’ in this post.
  • I planned to visit my mother in the nursing home, only to find out that she had died hours before I could get there. Then macabre humor ensued as I chased her body around Staten Island, trying to get a final glimpse, only to be thwarted by a well-meaning but too-efficient funeral home.
  • My editor completed her review of Rising on Song, and I began my final edits. But funeral arrangements and other important things interrupt me often.
  • My Eagles went to the Super Bowl😃! But they had to face the Chiefs again😒, with all they’ve got going for them 🫤. (Yet we all know how it turned out😁!)
  • I found out that ACX is raising royalty rates for authors, but they have not disclosed when it is taking effect generally. So, I must decide how long I will wait before beginning production of the audiobook for Rising on Song.
  • Havok Publishing accepted a flash fiction story I wrote! It’s my first accepted fiction for publication—very exciting. Unfortunately, I planned on using that story as this month’s blog post. Now, you must make do with the backup plan—this article😊. I’ll let you know when the story is published and how you can read it.
  • I said a tough goodbye to the extraordinary woman who raised me and shaped me with her indomitable strength and love. But it was a special time of family reunion to celebrate her life. And it is a far, far better place that she is than she has been.

But Really…

The title of this post isn’t a flummoxed interjection a la Batman’s sidekick but an expression of realization. Each of these joyful, distressing, or poignant moments was holy. Because a good God ordained them, blessings overt or covert that taught me greater faith. Life will bring its mix of bitter with the sweet, maybe not always so densely packed. But their disruptions require our attention. If we slow down and be exercised by them, we may find truth and peace amidst the frenzy. I did and am grateful.

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