Willamette Sutta

Air of Another

Fantasy Author


Come for the adventure

Experience the power

Find the secret

Discover the deeper story

Palimpsest Tales

Cover for Rising on Song

By Willamette Sutta

Rising on Song

Far Stone Cycle Book 2

Tenuously through one gauntlet in the quest for the Far Stones, Pergi and her friends travel through legend and lore in search of Wangu, the Stone of Music. But as the stakes and temperature rise, so does the danger. Are they a match for their cunning adversary with a surprising reach?

Thumbnail of Brightness Broken cover with yellow letters
Cover for short story, Lyrics Lost, second prequel to Far Stone Cycle

Fantasy Author

Willamette Sutta

Willamette Sutta is the pen name of a former academic librarian who has always been more fascinated with the worlds of imagination than the STEM books that she curated. Now she combines her love of information and speculation to create fantastic stories that nevertheless give an air of a world truer than the one we see. Find the story beneath the story.

Author with shelves of books behind

Other Books in The Far Stone Cycle

Cover for Adamant in Dust

Adamant in Dust

Book 1

Veil of Wisdom

Book 3

Beauty from Shards

Book 4


To carry near the fragrance

Of the air of Another

– Song of the Air

My Writing Blog

Fair Winds

Holy Jumping January

Holy Jumping January

Not to sound like the exclamation-prone Boy Wonder (for those of you who remember the old, original Batman series), but the last month was a wild ride. And I don’t just mean the news cycle. My personal life had its own thrills and gut punches, chasing hard on each...

How Many More?

How Many More?

An Indulgence In a rare departure from my reading habits, I recently allowed myself the luxury of a mystery novel. That used to be my favorite genre before discovering my love for fantasy. And once I decided to write in that category, I had to devote my limited...

A Midwinter Eve’s Tale

A Midwinter Eve’s Tale

Shakespeare meets Clement Clarke Moore, and a few more, on this night before Midwinter? Shang-Li peered past her reflection to search the inky sky. Nothing. “There she goes again.” The whispering wasn’t soft in the Great Hall behind her. “Hush, Sadira, or you shall be...

Small picture of two blue gems

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